Lucia Sugafield
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Aug 18, 2021
Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

I have to write a paper on the Woman’s Suffrage Movement.

What was it really like back then? Were women more apt to be bribed than a man? Or, if they gave women the right to vote, ‘unintelligent women’ would then have a say?

I don’t understand this thinking and am so thankful I was born in a time where I have a say. Once I turned eighteen anyway.

The professor asks for evidence. Umm, all the evidence I need is I can hop in my car…



Lucia Sugafield
The Daily Cuppa

I'm a native Texan transplated to Nebraska with my dog, Mo. I've been writing since I was a teenager. I published my first book in 2022. r